Thank You, Teachers!
Thanks for signing up! Here is your FREE report – just click on the title below to open the report and then print it out or just save it to your computer.
101 Ways To Relieve Stress
Interested in seeing some of my other reports? Here are two more for you!
Do I Have a Learning Disability?
How To Use Power Psychology To Help My Child Make Better Grades
OH…by the way…some of your students may have had, or may benefit from, psychological testing or academic testing or even neuropsychological testing. Have you ever wondered what all that’s about? Well, you probably can’t recommend to a parent that his or her son or daughter NEEDS testing (most school districts REALLY frown on teachers – even administrators – making psychological or medical recommendations for any student), but you can always educate yourself about what kind of testing is available. I can send you to my other web site about psychological assessments. You might find the information helpful for your own education, or if a child of your own might need testing for a learning problem or psychological or neuropsychological issue, or to pass information on to a parent once the school OKs it. Don’t worry! My site is short and informative. You can even email me a question if you want to! And you will NOT be tested at the end…so CLICK HERE!